Monday, April 8, 2013

Afro-Latin Drumming Documentary - Part One

Translated from Google:
As part of a series of educational videos and educational Afro Latin percussion. Tomb La Ta presents this audiovisual material called 'The touches of drum Afro - Montevidean'.
This edition was done by the national Musical documentation center
Lauro Ayestarán (CDM) of the Ministry of education and culture,
within the framework of the UNESCO project of participation 2011.
In this material show different expressions that make up the Candombe, its characteristics and differences, and the word of its references.

Just listen...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The craftman had a five-year apprenticeship. 
It takes 21 days to make a Zildjian cymbal. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Makes it look so easy...

I see so very little power tools...

Smiley the Jazz Cat Building a Stave Drum

While there are many important factors to consider before taking on a project like this, keeping the bearing edges flat and making sure there are no gaps between the staves are critical.